AD30 V

AD30  V

Aroostook Dirty 30

Oh cool, you're a marathoner or badass ultra runner!
Sweeeeet, you've done a million obstacle course races, because you think you're one Tough Mudda Humpa, bub.

You've read the news stories, or maybe you saw a youtube video, or heard whispered in hushed tones within your running community about this crazy race up in northern Hicksville that you don't even have to pay for!

And now you're here, the "official" website of the world's worst 30 mile run.
You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll quit. Our DNF rate is 50 percent for 4 years running.

This race is so bad, that it's damn near a miracle if you even make it to the start. Our DNS (did not start) rate is like, 90%, dude.

Now that we've really sold you…..

Send a humorous handwritten letter(decorated), and a check for $30 to:
Kale Poland
10 Mitchell Place
Laconia, NH 03246
If you are someone who just wanted to say that you signed up to sound sexy on Facebook, that's O.K. You're money will fund our Rock-n-rolla status at every club in town the night after the race. SO THANK YOU!

For questions, find our Facebook account AROOSTOOK DIRTY THIRTY or email

Lillian "The Terminator" Porteus
Stephen "Pepe Lepew" Assante
Amy "Split Chin" Poland

-Michelle Roy was yanked from the bushes at mile 4
-Beau Taylor and Adam Murchison enjoyed each other's company after they were too pooched to go beyond mile 15

Friday, September 10, 2010


I had someone call this race "subterranean" yesterday.
"I really had to dig to find it", he said.

Well put dude. Dig, subterranean, all things that involve dirt.

We're not putting the word out. No advertising here.
Not going to be on any race calendar.
It's my belief that, after the inaugural running, people will be talking.
Especially if only a couple people finish.

I can't wait to see how things play out.
My experience in Peak's Death Race tells me that the strongest person may be the person you would have never expected it to be.
Maybe not the fittest person, just the person with the mental goods to get it done, when it would be easier to cry.

Let me ask you this.
-Do you have a Camelbak or small backpack with plenty of hydration? Not just water, ELECTROLYTES.
-Any extra clothing or shoes, socks, etc?
-First aid?
-Cell phone in case you want to quit?
-A therapist(physical and emotional) for after?

Oh, my brain is exploding with how much fun I know this is going to be.
You're going to be doing some of the craziest stuff you've ever seen.

To make my own version of a famous running quote:
"If you want to run something, sign up for a marathon. If you want to EXPERIENCE something, try the Dirty 30"

2 weeks!


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