AD30 V

AD30  V

Aroostook Dirty 30

Oh cool, you're a marathoner or badass ultra runner!
Sweeeeet, you've done a million obstacle course races, because you think you're one Tough Mudda Humpa, bub.

You've read the news stories, or maybe you saw a youtube video, or heard whispered in hushed tones within your running community about this crazy race up in northern Hicksville that you don't even have to pay for!

And now you're here, the "official" website of the world's worst 30 mile run.
You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll quit. Our DNF rate is 50 percent for 4 years running.

This race is so bad, that it's damn near a miracle if you even make it to the start. Our DNS (did not start) rate is like, 90%, dude.

Now that we've really sold you…..

Send a humorous handwritten letter(decorated), and a check for $30 to:
Kale Poland
10 Mitchell Place
Laconia, NH 03246
If you are someone who just wanted to say that you signed up to sound sexy on Facebook, that's O.K. You're money will fund our Rock-n-rolla status at every club in town the night after the race. SO THANK YOU!

For questions, find our Facebook account AROOSTOOK DIRTY THIRTY or email

Lillian "The Terminator" Porteus
Stephen "Pepe Lepew" Assante
Amy "Split Chin" Poland

-Michelle Roy was yanked from the bushes at mile 4
-Beau Taylor and Adam Murchison enjoyed each other's company after they were too pooched to go beyond mile 15

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Racer Profile: Renee "FU TMB" Ennis

It takes a certain kind of individual to even think about toeing the line for the Aroostook Dirty 30. You must be fit, confident, willing to accept probable devastation mentally and physically, humble, and maybe even a little eccentric.

One key rule to the race last year was that you had to come to the start in a costume. I remember Renee walking into Mojo at the buttcrack of dawn just before the start with her 14 year old son, Keegan. Superwoman and a Knight.
This is was going to be good.

She survived the pushups under the bridge, the muck of wading upstream in the Aroostook River, the waist-deep water before coming up the steep embankment by Mojo, and the obstacle course at Riverside Park at the 12 mile point(she was even spry enough to give Kate and I the finger then)...but when she came to Mojo again at the 13.5 mile mark, the thought of going through the deep disgusting water below was too much to bear. It would be the end of her AD30 experience.

Here's a closer look at Renee "FU TMB" Ennis:

-reason for signing up this year:My reason for signing up this year?

Because I was insane enough to sign up for it last year and even though it almost sucked more than childbirth, I'm really competitive and I couldn't handle snuggling in my warm bed that morning knowing my girlfriends are out there being all badass while I'll sip coffee and watch an old episode of Friends, warm in my bed. Did I mention warm in my bed?

-current favorite training song:

My current favorite training song is and always has been "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters.

-you attempted the AD30 last year, and looked strong until you dropped at the half marathon point of the race. what was your reason for dropping?

I dropped out because I was soaking wet, discouraged, alone and "gave up" when at the thought of doubling back through the water. I'm hoping to have the moral support of other women this year which might help me push through those tough moments.

-last year, you raced with your young son Keegan, who stayed strong through 9 miles. Is there going to be a mom/son showdown this year??

No Mum/Son showdown! I'm in far better shape than that wussy 14 year old is and I don't want to bruise his fragile ego by squashing him like a bug. I'll just support him in however far he can go. But I'm totally not waiting for him this year.

-what motivates you every day?

What motivates me? Being able to play WITH my kids as opposed to watching them play from the sidelines. Being able to show other women how to reach their own fitness goals. Having a stronger body now than I did ten years ago. Being strong.

-fitness goals for 2011:

My fitness goals for 2011 are a marathon, becoming a personal trainer and kicking P90X's ass.

-Anything else you want to tell us?

Be gentle on me okay? I cry easily.

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